Tuesday, November 22, 2011

System Shutdown


You know that piece of crap computer I mentioned in my post "Holy..."   ? Yeah. It finally quit on me.

See, it took another fall. And the screen broke. THE SCREEN IS BROKEN. I can not navigate the screen. Which means no more Minecraft. No more Steam. No more ANYTHING on that computer.

It is dead. So dead. And it makes me sad.


The day my computer decided to take the deadly fall, I had the thought to back my novel up. That morning, I emailed myself the novel. I don't know if it was fated or if my muse decided to give me a good nudge in the shoulder, but I'm so very glad I did it. I saved 90 pages of writing from being lost forever. I worked DAMN hard on those pages, and I'm more than grateful that I thought to back them up.

In any case, I'm still way behind, so I need to get back to work. Short, distracted post today, cos my head is all funkadelic.

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