Friday, November 18, 2011


I haven't played any of the Assassin's Creed games. Why? 

  • I can't afford them.
  • My computer can't handle them.
  • I don't have a game system for them
Guess what? I want them. I want to play them, and I have since my friends Nick and Gabby talked to me about them. I have wanted them more since I got the Revelations soundtrack from Nick. 

Okay that was a bit random. Just a bit.

I got stuck for several days, so if you were watching the count on my NaNoWriMo widget, it didn't change much. I was stuck. STUCK. I couldn't write anything for days. My brain felt gritty and the creases were full of sand particles. (I'm pretty sure this is the way Nick has described it before, so just FYI it probably wasn't my original thought.) 
My brain was brokeded. Kyle would love this, though. 

Then, for some reason, it was suggested that I try new music, and that the Revelations soundtrack would probably be one hell of an inspiration.

Oh. My gosh. That was the kick in the pants I needed.

For those of you who haven't heard it (I haven't finished it yet) I will tell you this; the first few songs I heard sounded like ice and snow. A peaceful ice and snow setting. There was white. There was periwinkle. There was that shade of blue the snow turns as the sun is setting on  a snowy, cloudy day. There was grey. Then it sounded like clouds. Crystal clear and clouds. And then there were some songs that were earthy and warm, the way the ground is at sunset on an early summer day. It radiates warmth, but not burning heat. It sounds so...natural. It sounds all so close to Earth itself. It was so refreshing. It rinsed out all the grit in my mind.

Suddenly, chapter seven was done. Is done. And new additions to the other chapters were coming into place. 

With that came some more roadblocks, but these are much less troublesome. They're roadblocks, rather than mind blocks. I have so much catching up to do, though; my bar stats look like a roller coaster rather than the staircase they're supposed to. 

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