Tuesday, November 1, 2011

NaNoWriMo; Day One is Success!


That is the number I last put in for my NaNoWriMo word count. I put that in half an hour ago.

I can't believe it. I made it through the first day. 

You know, if I were in my story right now, this is what I'd be doing. At least, if it was suddenly warm and sunny in Kilcrohane...

Okay, I admit, I figured I'd make it through day one. You see, I stay up till midnight on Halloween (like most, if not all, the NaNoers) to watch the timer tick down to zero, then set to writing IMMEDIATELY. I hit 909 at 3 am, and went to sleep because my head was pounding. I took a few breaks today, though, because my head and body are still not cooperating with me. I thought I'd be having dinner tonight, as my grandmother was taking me to a soup kitchen-type meal. Turns out it was closed today, and I told her to drop me off at home, that I wasn't going to eat. (Just a note; last night was my first real meal in 3 or 4 days...if you count half a can of corned beef hash as a meal). I got back, tried to work again, and my body was raging. It had been excitedly prepared to eat, and it wasn't getting fed. I ended up having to sleep it off for half an hour or so, had a few crying fits and panic attacks, and then I got back to writing. I finished the word count with the help of VERY supportive friends and a lot of Celtic music. 

So far I've introduced the hectic life of Ciara Donnelan, my Main Character. The main thing we've learned about her is that she is mostly a LONER, like her creator (yup, that's me),  but the few friends she has, she has a special closeness to them. I can't post a passage for two reasons;

  1. I'm not on my computer, where the text is saved.
  2. I'm afraid someone might steal it, silly as my ideas are.
Maybe, MAYBE I'll start posting things when I get more into the story. I really should show off what I'm working on, just so that if anyone reads it, there might be disappoint if I don't finish it. Disappointment prior to failure is a great discouragement from quitting. Next time I post about NaNo, I'll be sure to include something.

But for now, I'm going to celebrate my first victory.

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