Monday, November 7, 2011

If We Had Theme Songs...

Life would probably be a lot more interesting if we had themes. I'm sure we've given ourselves our own personal theme songs, ones that seem to fit our personalities, tastes, and desires. As such, I listened to a lot of Celtic music to prepare for NaNoWriMo, and to inspire me in my writing. 

On a spur-of-the-moment search, I found the colours of the tale itself, and I found them in this picture. Go figure.

While I listened, I found my characters. I found my setting. I found my story. Every sound, every note seemed to flow and blend so well, and it formed what I hope to be one of my better tales. So to better help you feel the story and understand the characters themselves, I've decided to dedicate this post to the where, the what, and the who of Dirt Under Her Nails.

THIS I heard over a year ago in my search for beautiful Celtic music. I listened to it again and discovered that it was the perfect opening to the story. If I were making a movie, this song would be in the opening credits.

Alas, this tale is not going to end happily, or so I've come to believe. I feel the end credits are best played by THIS SONG. At this point, I expect her to die. Though this is not her death song, it's far too pretty, far too sweetly sorrowful for an end like hers. This is just the final credits. 

Ciara's DEATH is much more somber, much less tug-at-your-heartstrings sad. I'm still unsure on whether or not she will die, but as far as I know, she's a goner. 

The CLIMAX of the tale is heart-pounding, frightening, and could possibly be quite despairing. Not that this song is despairing, but in Ciara's heart, ths song probably plays when she has to take the final step (or crawl, if I get to that point)

KILCROHANE itself (that's where my story takes place) is a very peaceful little village. I've probably stereotyped the quaint Irish town, but it's exactly what I wanted for the story; quiet. Pretty though.

While Ciara is actually TRAVELLING through the town, this is what would be playing in the background. Kind of an "in her own world, in her own thoughts" tune.

DAVEY'S PUB, now THERE'S a fun place. Always upbeat and exciting, no matter what time of the day or night you happen to find yourself there in. I plan on  having a few interesting encounters here. 

You know the scenes in movies where you've just got a character staring out a window, lost in her thoughts, especially during times of trouble and frustration? This HERE sums it up quite nicely. 

Yes, I've mapped this story out quite nicely, I believe. 

And now to introduce you to the characters themselves.

First, the MAIN main character;
  • Ciara Donnelan
    • 23, brunette, brown eyes
    • Heavy set
    • Quiet, but outgoing with close friends
Second (and yet to be introduced) my main antagonist;

  • Faelix
    • Appears 28, ginger, green eyes
    • Tall, built 
    • Barbed wire tattoo stretching across the back of his arms, forming a T down his back and down his legs
    • Demon.
Third, my second antagonist (recently introduced)
  • Etain O'Brien
    • 24, blonde, blue eyes
    • Short and slender
    • Prissy and mean, a bully
    • Typical envy of all
Fourth, and quite important, my MC's closest associate (possible romantic involvement? We shall see.)

  • Kieran McMirin
    • Older of twins, 24, ginger, blue eyes
    • Lanky and tall
    • Mischevous and exciting
    • Intelligent and protective of his loved ones
Well, there you have it. This is the soundtrack to my story. I'm behind on the word count (as usual) so I really need to kick back into gear in order for all this to be worth the organizing!

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