Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chasing Tail

Some people know me too well, and others don't know me at all. 

There is someone who knows that I find persistence to be very effective. This person knows that if pushed, I might eventually cave. It's a difficult thing. I know this person all too well. I have some fond and some not so fond memories with this person. This person knows my weak points, knows what buttons to push and how hard to push them. This person could bring me down very easily, and it's frightening.

This person also has brought me up, time and time again. This person has made me happy so many times. This person has comforted me when I needed it, stood by me when I needed someone by my side. This person has done good for me as well as hurt me. This person knows what makes me tick. This person knows how to make me smile. This person knows how to make me happy. 

I will never understand why this person chases me. I don't see what separates me from any other person on this planet. I can't figure it out. But, then again, I guess whatever's causing this person to do that, also causes me to pursue the one person that, for some reason, I keep chasing. Perhaps it's Karma telling me to stop? That would be humiliating. I've felt a lot of things were Karmic lessons, that I need to just avoid the ones I want to be around the most. Some people have told me that this isn't so, and what I'm doing is, well, okay. I doubt it sometimes. Every time I feel like I've gotten this little "lesson", I just want to run in the direction I WASN'T going. It doesn't do well to bounce from trying to hiding. 

But I think I digress. 

I'm not sure what to make of this person's behavior. I'm not sure what to make of my reaction. I don't even know what I want to do about it. I hear what I SHOULD be doing. I think I should be doing something. But I don't know. I just don't.

Oracle out.

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