Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Better Late Than Later

So, I said back in....October, I believe it was, in "Pardon My Absence" that I was going to start anew with diet and exercise. 

That did not happen as soon as I'd hoped. 

Well, today, I've started it. I finally cracked down and started the diet. I've already screwed up, I know, but I'm not going to give up cos I missed two meals. I'll just have to remember to eat tomorrow.

This man...he's more fit than I am...I'd be purple in the face if I were running on that thing.
I'll probably be better off tomorrow, too, since I didn't sleep all night. I'm exhausted. I'm beat. I walked my brother to and from school today, as part of my exercise. I don't know how I managed the from part. I had just woken up after four hours of sleep. 

This isn't the best way to start anew, to be honest. But I figured that no matter what, I should start it now, or I'll put it off again to the point where I may just give up on it. And I don't want to give up. 

If it's not raining tomorrow, I'm going for a jog around the high school track. If it's raining, well, there's always stuff to do inside. I hope. 

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