Sunday, October 30, 2011

Keeping Up While Sick

It seems that EVERY OTHER POST, I am sick. I'll try to post and ignore the fact that I have another fever and my bowels want to explode and kill me.

It is October 30th. Two reasons why it's so significant;

  1. Halloween is tomorrow.
  2. NaNoWriMo is the day after tomorrow.
For now, enjoy this picture of me as Link. Oh, and Princess Zelda who, no joke, I met randomly in the grocery store that Halloween. Friends? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. Ahh, college. 
Okay. First off; HALLOWEEN. I have passed on my Link costume to my little brother. I worked on it all day yesterday and the day before (still not done, because threading the needle is such a pain in the ass) and so far I have fixed the hem, shoulders, and sewn a separate belt. I will be finishing up the shoulders and neckline today, and also fashioning him a Deku shield. I myself will be dressing as a makeshift Malon. We're both going to be from Ocarina of Time, and I am so excited to go with him! I have to make due with a brown skirt rather than purple, but it will do. We will be taking pictures. 

Second; NaNoWriMo. I have a story. I HAVE A STORY. I can't wait to start it. All my info, however, is on my OTHER laptop. You know, the one that BSD'd and ISN'T shattered into a zillion pieces. I'll make due though. I have most of the finer details memorized. I probably will make an outline though. Just for the sake of sanity. I'll have a WHOLE post for it, because it's so damn long and tedious. And as I go along, I'll do chapter updates. And word count updates. Cheer me on!
I will do it this year.

In any case, I've gotten about 15 hours of sleep collectively in three days. I think it's time I went to bed. Because I am sick. Again. Not a cold though, so I think it won't be such a problem.  But I need sleep anyway. 

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